A post doctorate research associate from Professor Rachel Williams' group at the University of Liverpool uses the Linkam TST350 stage at room temperature to characterise novel polymer materials
9th October 2015
Linkam Scientific Instruments report on the use of their temperature controlled stages in the study of the novel electrolytes that can be used in fuel cells. This work was carried out at the Katholic University of Leuven in Belgium.
27th October 2015
Linkam Scientific Instruments report on the use of their tensile temperature controlled stage to develop and characterise novel materials that address the growing burden of eye healthcare in an ageing population. This work is being carried out at the University of Liverpool in the research group of Professor Rachel Williams.
4th November 2015
Linkam Scientific Instruments report on the use of their temperature controlled stages applied to CLEM and fluorescence microscopy to assist in endocytic sorting in the School of Biochemistry at the University of Bristol.