Application Notes
Latest Application Notes
Learn how geologists use Linkam Stages to investigate fluid inclusions in ore samples.
See how Linkam’s stages are customised for geological applications. Here, the MDS600 is used to study the properties of geological fluids.
At the University of Rome, Tre Giancarlo Della Ventura and his colleagues are using the Linkam FTIR600 stage to look at dehydration and absorption characteristics of H20 in some minerals.
Rosario Esposito et al investigate the behaviour of melt inclusions up to 1360°C using the Linkam TS1400XY stage.
The FTIR600 stage is used to measure IR spectra at variable temperatures, and transformations between polymorphs followed in situ by heating and cooling the samples in the chamber.
Researchers from the University of Hertfordshire’s School of Life and Medical Sciences collaborated with Linkam to provide an in-depth analysis into how the optical DSC450 and TASC can be used to characterise drug-polymer-excipient systems for pharmaceutical applications. Read the full case study here.
See how TASC can be used as a rapid and inexpensive screening method during the preformulation stage of solid dispersion based pharmaceutical products.
Polymorphism in pharmaceutical solids has great implications on both the processing and the performance of solid pharmaceutical products. This app note details work from the School of Pharmacy at UCL using TASC with our DSC450 to characterise polymorphic transitions in the pharmaceutical active compound flufenamic acid .
Life Science
Developmental activities for freeze-dried products are dictated by the limited availability and high cost of newly developed active compounds, and by Quality-by-Design requirements. Laboratory-scale freeze dryers used for formulation and process development show an excessive variety of designs and instrumentation concepts, making scale-up activities a challenge. The development of miniaturised equipment may provide enormous benefits in terms of development times and costs.
The polar regions of the Antarctic and the Arctic are indicators of the changing global climate, and there is a lot of research underway to investigate how changing conditions will affect the polar ecosystems and beyond. The Korean Polar Research Institute (KOPRI) uses Raman spectroscopy in combination with Linkam stages to study ice crystals and chemical processes in polar ice in order to better understand climate change.
A team at the University of Alberta have been using the Linkam Freeze Drying system FDCS to study how intracellular ice formation during cryopreservation of cells is affected by the degree of supercooling and the cell volume, in the absence of cryoprotectants.
Researchers in Barcelona investigate the effect of additives on the effectiveness of cisplatin, a chemotherapy medication, using the CMS196 for cryo-fluorescence miscroscopy.
Linkam stages including the CMS196 in use in the Wolfson Bioimaging Facility at the University of Bristol as part of the endocytic sorting research of Dr Paul Verkade.
Researchers in Barcelona investigate the effect of additives on the effectiveness of cisplatin, a chemotherapy medication, using the CMS196 for cryo-fluorescence miscroscopy.
Researchers at the University of Warwick use the Linkam BCS196 to work at the interface of the organic and polymer chemistries with the life sciences, making use of modern polymer and organic methods to synthesise nano materials for various applications, including regenerative medicine, infectious disease and biotechnology.
White Oak Conservation Centre in Florida uses the BCS196 for IVF research, taking them closer to the goal of one day transporting genetic material collected from wild animals to be introduced into captive populations, enhancing genetic diversity.
Researchers at the University of Leeds are looking at how Protein crystallization is affected by changing the cooling rate.
Read how the THMS600 is used in the analysis of glass sample in the Tulsa Forensics Department.
Researchers use Linkam’s TST350 (now replaced by the updated MFS) to study biomaterials for corneal replacement.
Preparation and handling of vitrified samples normally requires special skills and techniques. Here, we discuss a novel design that simplifies and automates plunge-freezing and sample transfer, thus making this technique accessible for a wider audience.
Semiconductor/ Electrical
Learn how Radiant Technologies and Linkam collaborated to improve HFS600E-PB4 stage.
With increased pressure on the electronics sector to deliver greener technology with uncompromised performance, materials research and development has stepped up to the fore.
In this tech note, Linkam and Sensofar demonstrate their collaboration in producing an experimental setup for temperature-controlled optical profilometry experiments.
Linkam’s THMS600H and RH95 are used to observe the effect of temperature and humidity on perovskite photovoltaic films by researchers at the University of Swansea.
Researchers in Australia using a THMS600 found that metastable silicon states achieved by indentation remained stable up to 450 °C. The research has clarified how these indentation-formed phases of silicon evolve through metastable structures such as r8-Si, to nanocrystalline phases such as hd-Si and Si-XIII.
Researchers at the US National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) use Linkam LTS series stages to study the temperature dependent properties of solar cells.
Researchers use the RH95 and THMS600-H to investigate phase change materials for semiconductor applications.
Researchers in Lausanne use Linkam’s mechanical testing system to study the effect of temperature on the adhesion of transparent thin film electrodes on polymers.
Materials and Metallurgy
The remarkable functional properties of spider silk make it a highly interesting material for a wide range of applications, including high-performance fabrics and regenerative medicine.
The understanding of microscopic and thermo-mechanical properties is at the core of materials science research. Here we look at how mechanical characterisation can be used to observe and image materials at the microscale.
Researchers at the R&D division of world-leading catalyst and technology company, Haldor Topsǿe, use the Linkam CCR1000 to identify, under reaction conditions, which specific sites in their catalysts are responsible for the catalytic activity.
Researchers at the University of South Carolina studied the thermal dehydration and vibrational spectra of hydrated Lithium borohydride (LiBH₄ x H₂O) using the CCR 1000 with X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy.
Read how the THMS600 is used in the analysis of glass sample in the Tulsa Forensics Department.
A study of soldering and brazing using both THMS600 and TS1500 stages to mimic industrial processes.
Researchers at the University of Bath develop understanding of novel materials with single-walled carbon nanotubes using Linkam’s tensile stages.
Researchers use Linkam’s TST350 (now replaced by the updated MFS) to study biomaterials for corneal replacement.
Plastics and Polymers
The CSS450 was used to study the the phenomenon of flow-induced crystallisation.
Researchers at the University of Glasgow use the THMS600 to look at phase transitions in mixed liquid systems. Read the full case study here.
Linkam’s mechanical testing system was used to study the mechanical integrity and adhesive properties of polymer coatings.
Polymorphism in pharmaceutical solids has great implications on both the processing and the performance of solid pharmaceutical products. This app note details work from the School of Pharmacy at UCL using TASC with our DSC450 to characterise polymorphic transitions in the pharmaceutical active compound flufenamic acid .
Researchers at the National Chemical Laboratory, India, explain how Linkam’s TST350 (now MFS) can be used to calculate the essential work of fracture for polymeric materials.
Researchers in Lausanne use Linkam’s mechanical testing system to study the effect of temperature on the adhesion of transparent thin film electrodes on polymers.
Space Science
In advance of the Mars landing on 18 February 2021, members of the Analytical Chemistry group at Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (University of the Basque Country) in Leioa, Spain presented their research on how temperature controlled experiments (including Raman spectroscopy, X-ray fluorescence and XRD analysis) can be used to characterise geological materials ranging from historical artefacts from the Roman empire to regolith samples from Mars.
Read how Linkams LTS350 (now replaced by the LTS420) is used to for thermophysical studies by the Cryo-Ices group at Nasa’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Food Science
Researchers at Reading Scientific Services Ltd. (RSSL) performed tensile testing on both chicken and plant-based chicken alternative samples.
A research group in Italy used Linkam’s CSS450 and Peltier stage in research into improving the ability to add good bacteria, known as probiotics, into low-fat ice cream.
Learn how Radiant Technologies and Linkam collaborated to improve HFS600E-PB4 stage.