THMSEL350V Features — Linkam Scientific

THMSEL350V Features

Temperature control vacuum stage for ellipsometry systems

THMSEL350V floating lid.png

Linkam’s THMS system, one of the most widely used heating and freezing stages available, has been modified with a special optical adapter to facilitate use on an ellipsometer. Developed in collaboration with some of the world’s leading ellipsometer manufacturers, the THMSEL350V has been optimised to eliminate sample condensation at low temperature by vacuum and allow optimal optical access to the sample. The THMSEL350V Ellipsometer Cryo Vacuum System features the THMSEL350V Ellipsometer stage, the stand-alone LinkPad controller and LNP96 liquid nitrogen cooling system.

Samples loaded onto a 0.17mm cover slip are placed on a nickel plated heating element to ensure exceptional heat transfer and extremely sensitive temperature measurement. A platinum resistor sensor, accurate to 0.01°C, provides a more accurate and stable temperature signal than can be achieved with a thermocouple.

Samples are quickly characterised by heating to within a few degrees of the required temperature at a rate of up to 30°C/min with no overshoot, then slowed down to a few tenths of a degrees per minute to closely examine sample changes. Optional LINK software provides complete control of the system and additionally allows you to export experimental data as a CSV file.

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