DSCX600 Features — Linkam Scientific


Single Cell Calorimetry optimised for X-ray and beamline systems, temperature control from < -195°C to 600°C

Linkam’s optical DSC600 is a single cell calorimetry system which overcomes the problem of baseline drift due to different heat flows into the sample and reference crucible. The DSCX600 has been specifically optimised for use with X-ray systems including WAX/SAX and synchrotron systems.

Key features include:

  • Smaller furnace results in faster response time

  • Compact size of the stage means it can be easily mounted on to FT-IR and Laser Raman and confocal microscopes

  • Suitable for reflected and transmitted light studies

  • Simultaneous optical and enthalpy change data

  • Heating and cooling to temperatures between < -195°C (when used with the LNP96 Liquid Nitrogen Pump) and 600°C can be carried out at rates of up to 130°C/min

The system consists of the DSC600 stage, a T96 controller and LINK software. The optional LNP96 is required to achieve temperatures down to < -195°C. 

Add TASC software to enable further thermal analysis.

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