Linkam’s commitment to reducing our environmental impact — Linkam Scientific

Linkam’s commitment to reducing our environmental impact

At Linkam we are continually seeking to reduce our carbon footprint across all aspects of the business by monitoring our energy use and looking for ways to be more energy efficient. Some of the key steps we have taken include using renewable source electricity at our UK Headquarters and offsetting our gas use at the end of each financial year. We have also offset our air travel taken over the past 12 months by supporting international carbon reduction projects and the planting of trees in the UK through Carbonfootprint Ltd.

We have improved our UK facility by upgrading our bike storage along with installing showers and changing rooms to enable our staff to cycle to work where possible. Our Production Team demonstrated their range of skills by assembling a new bike store indoors before expertly moving the structure outside and ensuring it was safely attached to the ground. It was n’t long before the first bike was stored!

