Ore geology and fluid inclusion study of the Donggebi giant porphyry Mo deposit, Eastern Tianshan, NW China using Linkam’s THMSG600 — Linkam Scientific

Ore geology and fluid inclusion study of the Donggebi giant porphyry Mo deposit, Eastern Tianshan, NW China using Linkam’s THMSG600

The Donggebi giant porphyry Mo deposit in Hami City, China, is associated with the Donggebi porphyritic granite and has undergone a four-stage hydrothermal ore-forming process, with each stage characterized by different mineral compositions. Researchers from the Chinese academy of Sciences and Peking University used the Linkam THMSG600 in order to shed insights into the formation processes of these ores. They found that initially the ores formed at high temperature, associated with CO₂ fluid inclusions, and low concentrations of NaCl, which evolved into lower temperature deposition associated with low CO₂ concentrations and higher NaCl concentrations.

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