T96 Features — Linkam Scientific

T96 System Controller

The T96 Controller is a universal controller supporting all standard Linkam stages.

The T96 can be controlled through NEXUS or LINK system control and image capture software which uses a USB interface, or the high resolution LinkPad, an ergonomic touch screen display, which enables the user to quickly enter experimental parameters for most stages and to run profiles (dependent on the connected stage).

More complex stages such as the MFS (Modular Force Stage), MDS Motorised System and the DSC require software control as they are not supported by the LinkPad.

A wide range of controls has been implemented for each line (ramp) of the temperature profile, including parameters such as vacuum, pressure, tensile speed and force. 


Optional LINK or NEXUS software can be used to control all aspects of heating and cooling as well as vacuum and other environmental conditions including relative humidity (when used with the appropriate controller and interface).

Stages such as the MFS, MDS and DSC require this software control as, as stated above, they are not supported by the LinkPad.


The optional LinkPad high resolution touch screen controller provides complete stand-alone control. Up to 100 ramps can be programmed with separate control of parameters including temperature, vacuum and humidity.


Universal Voltage Controller

  • T96-P model supports Linkam PE100, PE120 and LTS120 families of Peltier stages.

  • T96-S model supports the Linkam THMS, HFS, LTS420, TS, BCS, FTIR, MFS, MDS, DSC, CSS, HS and CCR families of our stages.

High Speed Temperature Ramps

  • Temperature ramps of up to 200°C/min (dependent on stage attached).

High Temperature Resolution

  • Temperature measurement using a PT100 platinum sensor with better than 0.01°C resolution.

USB Interface

  • The standard USB interface allows the controller to be connected to a PC.

Optional SDK

  • The optional SDK provides a platform for the easy integration into 3rd party software applications. Windows and Linux versions are available.


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