HFS350EV-PB4 Features — Linkam Scientific


Temperature and vacuum control from < -195°C to 350°C with options for probes and electrical connections

Linkam’s HFS350EV-PB4 enables the user to create a low pressure environment during complex heating and cooling profiles. Using the well-established low pressure and temperature control technology developed for Linkam’s FDCS196 freeze drying system, the HFS350EV-PB4 offers an extended temperature range from < -195°C to 350°C, whilst also retaining the capability for vacuums down to 10^-3 mbar. This allows users to carry out ultra low temperature experiments with virtually no gas or air contamination of the sample.

Up to 4 positional tungsten probes, (other types can be used), can be attached to the electrical connectors within the sample chamber to enable the user to make electrical measurements on the sample while accurately controlling the temperature inside a gas tight environment. The sample is placed on the heating element and the probes are moved manually to make contact at the appropriate points. The probes have excellent positional resolution enabling precise contact points to be made easily. HFS probe systems can also be used vertically.

To cool samples from ambient down to < -195°C, add the LNP96 liquid nitrogen cooling pump.

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