Electrical and Probe — Linkam Scientific

Electrical and Probe SYSTEMS

LTS120E-P Probe System
Large area stage with up to 8 moveable gold tipped tungsten probes for making electrical measurements on samples. BNC and Lemo connectors available. Peltier element with temperature range -40°C to 120°C.

LTS420E-P Probe System
Similar to the LTSE120-P but with extended temperature range of
< -195°C to 420°C.

HFS600-P Probe System
Temperature range -196 to 600°C with 22mm diameter sample area. Up to 4 moveable gold tipped tungsten probes to make electrical measurements. BNC connectors only. 

A HFS probe stage with vacuum capabilities. Temperature range from
< -195°C to 350°C.

A high temperature stage with electrical connections available. The TS1000 has a temperature range from ambient to 1000°C.

A high temperature stage with electrical and vacuum connections available. The TS1500 has a temperature range from ambient to 1500°C.


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