Cryobiology — Linkam Scientific


CMS196 Correlative Microscopy System
Optimised for cryofluorescence and CLEM applications. A controlled sample chamber at liquid nitrogen temperatures. View your vitrified samples on a fluorescent light microscope then transport contamination free to your cryo transmission electron microscope.

BCS196 Cryobiology System
Designed specifically for cryobiology with a seeding point to seed ice crystals and quench cooling option for ultra fast cooling up to 5000°C/min. Temperature range <-195°C to 125°C.

MDBCS196 Motorised Cryobiology System
Similar to the BCS196 but with motorized XY sample positioning. Temperature range <-195°C to 125°C.

LTS120 Peltier System
Large area stage with sample area 40x40mm. Temperature range -40°C to 120°C.

Peltier Systems
A range of simple peltier systems are available for inverted and upright microscopes. Temperature range -40°C to 120°C. 

Find out more about how Linkam’s cryo systems are used by researchers worldwide:


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