Confocal/Fluorescence Microscopy — Linkam Scientific

Confocal AND FLUORESCENCE Microscopy Applications

Most Linkam stages are compatible with standard and confocal microscopes. Explore our entire range of temperature and environmental control systems from < -195 °C up to 1500°C, with options for humidity control, gas purging, quench cooling, vacuum chambers, electrical measurements, mechanical testing, and more.

Contact us with details of your microscope to ensure compatibility with your system.

THMS600 System
Fast heating and cooling rates, with a sample area of 22mm diameter and XY sample manipulation.
Temperature range < -195°C to 600°C. 

LTS420 System
Excellent general heating/freezing stage with large sample area and XY sample manipulation.
Temperature range < -195°C to 420°C.

TS Systems
Linkam’s TS systems for control up to high temperatures.
Temperature range ambient to 1500°C.

CMS196 Correlative Microscopy System
Optimised for cryofluorescence and CLEM applications. A controlled sample chamber at liquid nitrogen temperatures. View your vitrified samples on a fluorescent light microscope then transport contamination free to your cryo transmission electron microscope.

BCS196 Cryobiology System
Designed specifically for cryobiology with a seeding point to seed ice crystals and quench cooling option for ultra fast cooling up to 5000°C/min. Temperature range <-195°C to 125°C.

Read more about research carried out with Linkam stages:


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