An Experimental Study of the Formation of Talc through CaMg(CO3)2–SiO2–H2O Interaction at 100–200∘C and Vapor-Saturation Pressures — Linkam Scientific

An Experimental Study of the Formation of Talc through CaMg(CO3)2–SiO2–H2O Interaction at 100–200∘C and Vapor-Saturation Pressures

Researchers use the Linkam CAP500 with fused silica capillaries to study the formation of talc, observing the process using techniques such as Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction.

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Full Open Access article available via CC BY 3.0.

Wan, Ye, et al. "An Experimental Study of the Formation of Talc through CaMg (CO3) 2–SiO2–H2O Interaction at 100–200 C and Vapor-Saturation Pressures." Geofluids 2017 (2017).

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