xrd — Research Papers List — Linkam Scientific


In situ study of sigma phase formation in Cr–Co–Ni ternary alloys at 800C using the long duration experiment facility at Diamond Light Source

See how a unique setup using Linkam’s TS1500 allows researchers to perform beamline XRD analysis at high temperature at Diamond Light Source. Here, they use the new long-duration experimental beamline I11 to study phase formation kinetics of metal alloys, demonstrating a new technique for metallurgical studies.

An Experimental Study of the Formation of Talc through CaMg(CO3)2–SiO2–H2O Interaction at 100–200∘C and Vapor-Saturation Pressures

Researchers use the Linkam CAP500 with fused silica capillaries to study the formation of talc, observing the process using techniques such as Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction.

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Full Open Access article available via CC BY 3.0.

Wan, Ye, et al. "An Experimental Study of the Formation of Talc through CaMg (CO3) 2–SiO2–H2O Interaction at 100–200 C and Vapor-Saturation Pressures." Geofluids 2017 (2017).

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Synchrotron X-ray scattering study on amorphous poly(ethylene furanoate) under uniaxial deformation

Researchers combine the mechanical testing and temperature control capabilities of Linkam’s mechanical testing system with x-ray scattering techniques (WAXS/SAXS) to elucidate the crystallisation and deformation induced orientation as a function of stress-strain behaviour and temperature.

Stretching-Induced Uniform Micropores Formation: An in Situ SAXS/WAXS Study

By stretching lamellar polymer films at various temperatures, researchers were able to prepare microporous membranes. They performed SAXS/WAXS characterisation on the stretched samples, and for the first time clarifying the fibre connecting bridges that form when the composite is stretch at raised temperatures. Read how Linkam’s mechanical testing system was key to this research.