mechanical — Research Papers List — Linkam Scientific


Contactless probing of polycrystalline methane hydrate at pore scale suggests weaker tensile properties than thought (Copy) (Copy)

Tensile properties of polycrystalline methane hydrate are analysed using the Linkam CAP500 under microscopy.

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Wan, Ye, et al. "An Experimental Study of the Formation of Talc through CaMg (CO3) 2–SiO2–H2O Interaction at 100–200 C and Vapor-Saturation Pressures." Geofluids 2017 (2017).

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Intrinsic mechanical behavior of femoral cortical bone in young, osteoporotic and bisphosphonatetreated individuals in low- and high energy fracture conditions

Researchers use Linkam’s mechanical testing stage to investigate treatments for osteoporosis in fractures of femoral bones.

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Zimmermann, E., Schaible, E., Gludovatz, B. et al. Intrinsic mechanical behavior of femoral cortical bone in young, osteoporotic and bisphosphonate-treated individuals in low- and high energy fracture conditions. Sci Rep 6, 21072 (2016).


Inorganic Nanotube Mesophases Enable Strong Self-Healing Fibers

Using Linkam’s mechanical testing stage, a team of researchers at Imperial College London added geo-inspired double-walled nanotubes to a polymer matrix in order to improve the tensile properties.

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Inorganic Nanotube Mesophases Enable Strong Self-Healing Fibers Won Jun Lee, Erwan Paineau, David Benbow Anthony, Yulin Gao, Hannah Siobhan Leese, Stéphan Rouzière, Pascale Launois, and Milo Sebastian Peter Shaffer* ACS Nano 2020, 14, 5, 5570–5580 Publication Date:April 7, 202

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