semicon-elec — Research Papers List — Linkam Scientific


Quantifying and Reducing Ion Migration in Metal Halide Perovskites through Control of Mobile Ions

Metal halide perovskite (MHP) solar cells are of interest in the development of low cost, high efficiency solar panels and are usually studied by subjecting the material to degradation analysis. In their paper, Penukula et al. set out to develop a new method to directly quantify the ion migration in terms of mobile ion concentration (N) and ionic mobility (µ). The researchers used a Linkam LTS420E-PB4 stage, which incorporates a temperature control element and positional tungsten probes, to study the effect of temperature on MHP performance and conduct electrical measurements. Their study demonstrates that N has a larger impact on device stability than µ. The researchers also studied the effect of small alkali metal cation additives on ion migration and found that the choice of top electrode in MHP solar cells has a greater influence on Nₒ than moisture or cation additives.

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Broadband orange-emitting Sr₃Si₈O₄N₁₀:Eu²⁺ phosphor discovered by a modified single-particle-diagnosis approach

Integrating a Linkam THMS600E stage into their custom in-house setup (consisting of a 365 nm LED light source and CCD spectrometer), Wang et al. were able to obtain temperature-dependent Photoluminescence to evaluate the moisture assisted degradation of the phosphor at 200 °C and 100% RH.

Read the full paper here…

Solar Cells Operating under Thermal Stress

Solar cells and photovoltaic devices are generally optimised for use at room temperature, but there are certain applications that find them in higher or lower temperature environments, such as in extraterrestrial exploration or in the hottest deserts. This review details examples of how temperature-controlled experiments play an important part in characterising and understanding the behaviour of next-gen photovoltaic devices, including some examples using Linkam’s electrical stages.

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Rodolphe Vaillon, Stéphanie Parola, Chrysovalantou Lamnatou, Daniel Chemisana. “Solar Cells Operating under Thermal Stress” Cell Reports Physical Science 1, 100267

Elastic response of (1−x)Ba(Ti0.8Zr0.2)O3 – x(Ba0.7Ca0.3)TiO3 (x=0.45–0.55) and the role of the intermediate orthorhombic phase in enhancing the piezoelectric coupling

Using the HFS600E-PB4 Linkam probe stage at tempertaures down to -70 °C (200K), this study looks at the temperature-dependent phase transitions affect the properties of piezoelectric materials, finding that ideal properties peaked around the low-temperature phase transitions.

Read the full article here (access required).

The author has made the full article available on their ResearchGate page here.

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