thms600 — Research Papers List — Linkam Scientific


Spent nuclear fuel oxidation under dry storage controlled conditions for studying its radial oxidation behaviour

Researchers at CIEMAT, Spain and JRC, Germany have recently published a study exploring the potential risks of storing highly-irradiated spent nuclear fuel when the fuel oxidises. A Linkam THMS600 stage was used to accurately control the temperature under a flow of dried air. Time-resolved Raman spectra were obtained from different locations on the uranium pellet, over the course of several days. Changes between different regions were proposed to be a result of higher local burn up of the oxidation products caused by increased fission. This work could help to reduce the dangers of storing spent nuclear fuels.

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Quantitative Characterisation of Excess Pressure Gradient in the Upper Interval of Es4 Member of Dongying Depression and Its Indicative Significance for Oil Migration and Accumulation

In their paper, Zhao et al. use a Linkam THMS600 stage to investigate homogenisation temperatures of oil and gas inclusions in their paper to aid in the understanding of oil migration in petroliferous basins.

Read the full paper here….

An Image is Everything: A Tutorial on Choosing and Using the Components of a Dynamic Data Capture System

Linkam provide sample characterisation solutions across a range of temperature and environmental control methods which can be used in combination with microscopic and spectroscopic analysis techniques. Here, we share our expertise in temperature-controlled microscopy with a discussion of how to assemble a dynamic data capture and imaging system.

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Stacey, D., & Gurney, R. (2020). An Image is Everything: A Tutorial on Choosing and Using the Components of a Dynamic Data Capture System. Microscopy Today, 28(6), 44-49. doi:10.1017/S1551929520001558


Process control of a dropwise additive manufacturing system for pharmaceuticals using polynomial chaos expansion based surrogate model

In this article published in the Journal of Computers and Chemical Engineering, researchers use a hot stage/ polarised microscopy setup (with a THMS600) as part of a process control automation procedure for pharmaceutical formulations.

Read the full paper here (access required).


Preparation of pharmaceutical cocrystal formulations via melt mixing technique: A thermodynamic perspective

In this work, researchers use a hot stage microscopy setup with Linkam’s THMS600 to characterise the thermodynamic properties of cocrystal formulations and gauge their eligibility for large-scale pharmaceutical applications.

Read the full paper here (access required).
