HFS600E-PB4 — Research Papers List — Linkam Scientific


High temperature anomalous Raman and photoluminescence response of molybdenum disulfide with sulfur vacancies

MoS2 is a two-dimensional crystal that belongs to the family of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs), which are materials composed of a transition metal atom (such as Mo, W, Nb, etc.) and two chalcogen atoms (such as S, Se, Te, etc.). TMDCs have attracted a lot of attention in recent years because of their diverse and tunable properties, such as semiconductivity, metallicity, and magnetism. MoS2 is one of the most studied TMDCs because it has a direct bandgap in the monolayer limit, which makes it suitable for optoelectronic and photovoltaic applications. MoS2 also exhibits strong light-matter interactions, spin-orbit and Coulomb interactions, valley-selectivity, and superconductivity under certain conditions. The optical properties of MoS2 depend on various factors, such as the number of layers, the stacking order, the presence of defects, the choice of substrate, the temperature, the strain, the doping level, and the applied magnetic field. Raman and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy are powerful techniques to probe these optical properties and reveal the underlying physics and mechanisms of MoS2 and other TMDCs.

Using a Linkam HFS600E-PB4 to modulate the temperature, the researchers discovered an anomalous behaviour of the A1g mode in Raman spectra and an intensity enhancement in PL spectra of MoS2 with temperature, and explained them by considering sulfur vacancies and intervalley charge transfer.

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Monitoring Food Spoilage Based on a Defect-Induced Multiwall Carbon Nanotube Sensor at Room Temperature: Preventing Food Waste

Ethylene is a plant hormone emitted during fruit ripening that affects growth and development. Managing ethylene levels is crucial for preserving the quality of harvested fruit, and a sensor for detecting ethylene levels can help reduce food waste. Recent literature has focused on developing cost-effective, high-performance ethylene sensors, with carbon nanotubes being a promising material for chemiresistor-based sensors. In their paper Shaalan et al. used a Linkam HFS600E-PB4 stage with electrical connectors to test the performance of their sensor at 30 °C.

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Elastic response of (1−x)Ba(Ti0.8Zr0.2)O3 – x(Ba0.7Ca0.3)TiO3 (x=0.45–0.55) and the role of the intermediate orthorhombic phase in enhancing the piezoelectric coupling

Using the HFS600E-PB4 Linkam probe stage at tempertaures down to -70 °C (200K), this study looks at the temperature-dependent phase transitions affect the properties of piezoelectric materials, finding that ideal properties peaked around the low-temperature phase transitions.

Read the full article here (access required).

The author has made the full article available on their ResearchGate page here.

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