Linkam Help Centre - THMS Stage Support — Linkam Scientific Font Awesome Icons

MDS Stage Support

This section contains support specific to the MDS family of stages. If your question isn’t listed here it could be covered under the ‘General Stage Support’ page.

The cooling rate is less than programmed

There can be several causes of this problem, the most likely being that one of the connectors has become blocked or damaged. Check that each tube is fitted tightly to the connector and that none of the tubing is twisted or has come lose. The larger diameter tube leading from the LNP96 consists of a tube within a tube, check that the internal tube is connected, it may have come loose. Any constrictions of either the tubing or the connector will have a drastic effect on the cooling ability of the LNP96. If the connectors and tubing are OK, check that the capillary tubing to the Dewar flask is not bent or damaged and that the filter is intact and unblocked. If any damage has occurred to any of these items, they will need to be replaced. If no damage is found, check that the silver block is not constricted. This can be checked by simply blowing through one of the steel cooling tubes using a compressed air line.

Stage will not cool down to < -195°C

Check that the stage lid is not touching the silver block when screwed down. Check that the silver block has not been pushed down so that it touches the base of the stage. Check the sample holder ramp is not touching the silver block. Any of these faults will cause a substantial loss of cooling ability.

Condensation and ice forming on the upper side of window

Realign the window gas tube clip to the required position in the stage lid.

Condensation on the sample and/or the underside of lid window

This is due to the stage not being sealed properly and therefore allowing moisture in during purging or cooling. Check that the lid and bottom window are sealed correctly and that the silicone seals are in position.

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