Linkam Help Centre - Peltier Stage Support — Linkam Scientific Font Awesome Icons

Peltier Stage Support

This section contains support specific to Peltier stages, including the PE100, PE120 and LTS120. If your question isn’t listed here it could be covered under the ‘General Stage Support’ page.

Peltier poor cooling performance

If your Linkam Peltier stage is suffering from reduced cooling performance, such as not being able to achieve the cooling rate set, or no longer being able to achieve the lower extremes of its temperature range, a possible cause is a restriction in the water flow through the element.

Check that the water pump is circulating water and that the tubing is not visibly blocked.

Stage reporting that the 'Water temperature is too high'

Peltier stages operate using the thermoelectric effect, and therefore require a constant flow of cool water to carry the heat away from the element.

As operating one of these elements without this water flow will quickly cause damage to the element, Linkam Peltier stages are fitted with a water temperature sensor, and if this sensor reaches too high a temperature the stage will shut down to prevent damage, and the error message, ' Water temperature is too high', will be displayed.

If you are trying to operate a Peltier stage without a water flow please connect a water circulation pump. If you have a water flow connected please refer to the following troubleshooting sections for your water circulation system:

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