Fluid Inclusion Analysis — Linkam Scientific

Fluid Inclusion Analysis


Fluid inclusions are microscopic bubbles of liquids and gases that are trapped during the formation of crystals in various geological environments. As the host mineral forms, these inclusions are encapsulated, effectively trapping a sample of the fluid in its state at the time of encapsulation. These inclusions can range in size from less than a micron to several millimetres and can contain a variety of materials, including aqueous solutions, hydrocarbons, gas bubbles, and even microscopic minerals. The composition of the fluid within the inclusion is particularly important as it represents the conditions of the environment at the time the inclusion was formed.

Fluid inclusions are like tiny time capsules, preserving a record of the fluid’s composition, temperature, and pressure at the time of their formation. This makes them an invaluable tool for geologists studying the history and processes of geological systems. By analysing the composition and physical properties of fluid inclusions, scientists can gain insights into the conditions under which the host rock formed and evolved. This can provide important clues about the geological history of the area, including information about past tectonic events, the formation of ore deposits, and the processes occurring deep within the Earth’s crust.

Understanding Fluid Inclusions

Multiphase high temperature (Th>500C), salt-water inclusion in topaz containing a vapour bubble(V) & two large daughter minerals (S1 & S2)

Fluid inclusions are microscopic bubbles of liquids and gases that are trapped within growing crystals in various geological environments. As the host mineral forms, these inclusions are encapsulated within the crystals, effectively trapping a sample of the fluid in its state at the time of encapsulation.

The formation of fluid inclusions can occur through various mechanisms, including non-uniform supply of nutrients to the crystal face resulting in skeletal growth, undercooling which also results in skeletal growth, formation of re-entrant in the crystal during resorption followed by subsequent crystal growth, and wetting by a separate immiscible phase, (eg molten sulphide or a vapour bubble), that creates irregularities in crystal growth, resulting in entrapment of that phase as well as the fluid.

Most fluid inclusions contain only one phase at the time of entrapment,(liquid or gas), but during cooling, that phase may unmix to form a vapour bubble and daughter crystals. Another class of inclusions, called mixed fluid inclusions form by entrapment of more than one phase. The other phases may include microphenocrysts or fluids.

In essence, the formation of fluid inclusions is a dynamic process that provides a snapshot of the conditions present in the environment at the time of crystal growth. This makes them invaluable tools for studying the history and processes of geological systems.

Fluid inclusions can be broadly categorised based on their physical and chemical characteristics, as well as the phases they contain. Here are some common types:

  • Aqueous Inclusions: These are the most common type of fluid inclusions and consist of an aqueous liquid phase that represents the composition of the fluid at the time the inclusion was formed.

  • Vapour-Rich Inclusions: These inclusions contain a significant vapour bubble, which can provide information about the volatile content of the fluid.

  • Immiscible Fluid Inclusions: These inclusions contain two or more immiscible fluid phases. Their study provides direct evidence for the presence of multiple fluids at the time of entrapment.

  • Mixed Fluid Inclusions: These inclusions form by entrapment of more than one phase, such as microphenocrysts or fluids.

The significance of these different types of fluid inclusions lies in the unique information they can provide about geological processes. For example, aqueous inclusions can reveal the original composition of the fluid, while vapour-rich inclusions can provide insights into the volatile content. Immiscible and mixed fluid inclusions, on the other hand, can provide evidence for the presence of multiple fluids or other phases at the time of entrapment. This diverse information makes fluid inclusions an invaluable tool in fields such as hydrogeology, petroleum geology, and economic geology.

Linkam Stages for Geological Applications

The Linkam THMSG600 is a specialised stage designed for geological applications, including fluid inclusion analysis. Based on the design of Linkam’s highly successful THMS600 stage, the THMSG600 offers unrivalled accuracy and temperature control, enabling users to characterise fluid inclusions to better than 0.1 °C. By utilising a smaller aperture compared to other stages, the occurrence of cold spots on the sample is kept to the absolute minimum. This approach guarantees unparalleled precision and regulation of temperature, meeting the rigorous requirements of microthermometry experiments. The stage has a broad temperature range from <-195°C to 600 °C.

The Linkam TS1400XY stage is a highly specialised tool designed for geological and metallurgical research. It offers precise temperature control from ambient to 1400 °C within a gas-tight body, and can heat samples at a rate of up to 200 °C/min. This stage is particularly useful in studying fluid inclusions in minerals, as it allows for the observation of phase changes at very high temperatures. The TS1400XY stage also features a high-speed quench cooling feature, which enables rapid transfer of the sample to a cold quenching post, achieving cooling rates of up to 240 °C/s. This feature is crucial in geological research, including the study of volcanic matter or igneous rock formation.

The THMSG600 and TS1400XY are used in conjunction with the T96 temperature controller, and either a LinkPad for stand alone control or NEXUS software for more advanced functionality including synchronous temperature and optical image logging. If cooling is required, the THMSG600 can also be combined with an LNP96 liquid nitrogen cooling pump which allows for quick programming of a temperature profile. This advanced equipment plays a crucial role in fluid inclusion analysis by providing precise control over the experimental conditions, thereby enabling detailed characterisation of the inclusions.

Fluid Inclusion Analysis Techniques

By studying these tiny pockets of trapped fluids within crystals, scientists can gain insights into the composition, temperature, pressure, and volatile content of the fluids at the time of crystal growth. This can provide important clues about the geological history of the area, including information about past tectonic events, the formation of ore deposits, and the processes occurring deep within the Earth’s crust.

The benefits of fluid inclusion analysis are manifold:

  • Historical Record: Fluid inclusions serve as a historical record, preserving the state of the fluids at the time of their formation. This can provide valuable insights into the evolution of geological systems over time.

  • Understanding Geological Processes: The study of fluid inclusions can help us understand various geological processes such as fluid migration, mineral precipitation, and volatile degassing.

  • Resource Exploration: Fluid inclusion analysis can also aid in the exploration of natural resources. For instance, the study of fluid inclusions in ore-forming minerals can provide insights into the formation of ore deposits.

  • Geohazard Assessment: By studying fluid inclusions in rocks, scientists can gain insights into past geological events, which can aid in geohazard assessment.

Optical Microscopy and Microthermometry

Optical microscopy is a fundamental method used in the study of fluid inclusions. It allows for the visual examination of inclusions, providing information about their size, shape, distribution, and the phases they contain. Linkam’s THMSG600 stage, with its precise temperature control, is particularly well-suited for microthermometric analysis. Microthermometry involves heating or cooling a fluid inclusion while observing changes under a microscope. This can provide valuable data such as the temperatures at which phase transitions occur, which can be used to infer the composition and pressure-temperature conditions of the entrapped fluid.

The video below shows an optical microscopy video of the homogenisation of multiphase CO₂ into a single phase occuring at -56.6 °C, using the Linkam THMSG600 stage.

Raman Spectroscopy

Raman spectroscopy is another powerful technique used in the analysis of fluid inclusions. It involves the use of a laser to induce vibrations in the molecules within the inclusion, and the scattered light is then analyzed to provide a ‘fingerprint’ of the molecular composition. This can be used to identify the different chemical species present in the inclusion, including both the dissolved species in the liquid phase and any gaseous species present. The Linkam THMSG600 stage can be used in conjunction with a Raman spectrometer to perform these analyses at various temperatures, providing further insights into the behaviour of the fluid under different conditions.

FTIR Spectroscopy

FTIR spectroscopy is another method that can be used to analyze fluid inclusions. It works by passing an infrared beam through the sample and measuring how much of the beam is absorbed at each wavelength. This absorption pattern can be used to identify the different chemical compounds present in the inclusion. FTIR spectroscopy can be particularly useful for identifying organic compounds, making it a valuable tool in the study of hydrocarbon-bearing inclusions. The Linkam THMSG600 stage can be used in conjunction with an FTIR spectrometer to perform these analyses, allowing for the characterisation of fluid inclusions under controlled temperature conditions.


Melt inclusions are valuable sources of information about the composition and evolution of magmatic systems. They can provide insights into magma mixing, crystal fractionation, volatile contents, ore formation, and other processes. However, analysing melt inclusions requires precise and accurate techniques that can handle their small size, complex chemistry, and heterogeneous nature.

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Okrusch, M. and Frimmel, H.E. (2020). “Fluid Inclusions in Minerals”, In: Mineralogy. Springer Textbooks in Earth Sciences, Geography and Environment. Springer.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-57316-7_12

Rankin, A.H. (2005). “Fluid Inclusions”, In: Encyclopaedia of Geology. Elsevier.
DOI: 10.1016/B0-12-369396-9/00097-6

Goldstein, R.H. (1978). “Fluid inclusions,” In: Sedimentology. Encyclopedia of Earth Science. Springer.
DOI: 10.1007/3-540-31079-7_92

Liu, W., Deng, X., Pirajno, F., Han, S., Chen, X., Li, X., Aibai, A., Wu, Y., Wang, Y. and Chen, Y.,
“Nature, source, and evolution of the ore-forming fluids in the Dunbasitao gold deposit, East Junggar, China: Constraints from geology, fluid inclusions, and C-H-O isotopes”,
J. Geochem. Explor., 258, (2024), 107399.
DOI: 10.1016/j.gexplo.2024.107399

Yu, B., Zeng, Q., Frimmel, H. E., Chen, W., Ren, M., Huang, G., Wu, J., Xie, W., Zhou, L., Yang, J. and Xue, J., “Genesis of the Shirengou gold deposit, northern North China Craton, based on zircon UPb, fluid inclusion, sulfide compositional and S isotope data”, J. Geochem. Explor., 256, (2024), 107358.
DOI: 10.1016/j.gexplo.2023.107358

Yu, G., Yuan, W., Xi, K., Liu, Y., Wang, S., Xu, Z., Yuan, J., Zhou, L. and Liu, K., “Fracturing timing of Jurassic reservoirs in the Dibei-Tuziluoke gas field, Kuqa foreland basin: Evidence from petrography, fluid inclusions, and clumped isotopes”, Energy Geosci., 5, (2024), 100259.
DOI: 10.1016/j.engeos.2023.100259

Lima, A. and Esposito, R. “New views on Somma Vesuvius subvolcanic system and on mechanism that could increase eruption explosivity by a review and immiscibility in melt inclusions”, J. Geochem. Explor., 256, (2024), 107348.
DOI: 10.1016/j.gexplo.2023.107348
