Linkam Stages for Life Science Applications — Linkam Scientific

Life Science Applications

Keeping cells and biological tissue in a controlled environment is key to understanding their behaviour in-vivo. Linkam has designed a range of sample characterisation chambers to control the temperature and environment around your samples. Linkam stages are used for a wide variety of applications from Cryopreservation to CLEM at < -195°C to the study of Archae at high temperatures and pressures. A humidity controller can be added to some closed chamber systems with control from 5% to 90% RH.

Linkam has developed a cryo-correlative (CLEM) stage, the CMS196M LED. Along with keeping samples vitrified, it provides proven capabilities to safely handle and transfer cryo samples, and enables high resolution mapping of EM grids with fluorescence microscopy while keeping them free of contamination at all times.

Linkam systems are compatible with light microscopy and spectroscopy techniques including Raman, FT-IR and X-ray.

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