Inorganic Nanotube Mesophases Enable Strong Self-Healing Fibers

Using Linkam’s mechanical testing stage, a team of researchers at Imperial College London added geo-inspired double-walled nanotubes to a polymer matrix in order to improve the tensile properties.

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Full Open Access article availble via CC BY

Inorganic Nanotube Mesophases Enable Strong Self-Healing Fibers Won Jun Lee, Erwan Paineau, David Benbow Anthony, Yulin Gao, Hannah Siobhan Leese, Stéphan Rouzière, Pascale Launois, and Milo Sebastian Peter Shaffer* ACS Nano 2020, 14, 5, 5570–5580 Publication Date:April 7, 202

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Elastic response of (1−x)Ba(Ti0.8Zr0.2)O3 – x(Ba0.7Ca0.3)TiO3 (x=0.45–0.55) and the role of the intermediate orthorhombic phase in enhancing the piezoelectric coupling

Using the HFS600E-PB4 Linkam probe stage at tempertaures down to -70 °C (200K), this study looks at the temperature-dependent phase transitions affect the properties of piezoelectric materials, finding that ideal properties peaked around the low-temperature phase transitions.

Read the full article here (access required).

The author has made the full article available on their ResearchGate page here.

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An Experimental Study of the Formation of Talc through CaMg(CO3)2–SiO2–H2O Interaction at 100–200∘C and Vapor-Saturation Pressures

Researchers use the Linkam CAP500 with fused silica capillaries to study the formation of talc, observing the process using techniques such as Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction.

Access the PDF version here.

Full Open Access article available via CC BY 3.0.

Wan, Ye, et al. "An Experimental Study of the Formation of Talc through CaMg (CO3) 2–SiO2–H2O Interaction at 100–200 C and Vapor-Saturation Pressures." Geofluids 2017 (2017).

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X-ray tomography of cryopreserved human prostate cancer cells: mitochondrial targeting by an organoiridium photosensitiser

Researchers use the Linkam CMS196 for imaging cryopreserved human prostate cancer cells with X-ray tomography. The CMS196 was used for cryo-fluorescence imaging of human PC3 prostate cancer cells, bringing insight into a new material used for a promising new non-invasive theraputive cancer treatment technique, Photo-Dynamic Therapy (PDT).

Access the PDF version here.

Full article available per CC BY 4.0.

Bolitho, E.M., Sanchez-Cano, C., Huang, H. et al. X-ray tomography of cryopreserved human prostate cancer cells: mitochondrial targeting by an organoiridium photosensitiser. J Biol Inorg Chem 25, 295–303 (2020).

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Imaging endosomes and autophagosomes in whole mammalian cells using correlative cryo-fluorescence and cryo-soft X-ray microscopy (cryo-CLXM)

Researchers use the Linkam CMS196 with correlative cryo-fluorescence and cryo-soft X-ray microscopy (cryo-CLXM) to observe endosomes and autophagosomes in mammalian cells.

Scientists at the London Research Institute of Cancer Research UK use the Linkam CMS196 for imaging mammalian cells with cryo-CLXM microscopy.

Ultramicroscopy 143 (2014) 77–87

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Imaging of Vitrified Biological Specimens by Confocal Cryo Fluorescence Microscopy and Cryo FIB /SEM Tomography

Researchers use the Linkam CMS196 as part of a Confocal Cryo Fluorescence Microscopy setup to image vitrified biological samples.

Access the PDF version here.

Schertel, Andreas, et al. "Imaging of Vitrified Biological Specimens by Confocal Cryo Fluorescence Microscopy and Cryo FIB/SEM Tomography." European Microscopy Congress 2016: Proceedings. Weinheim, Germany: Wiley‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 2016.

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Key composition optimization of meat processed protein source by vacuum freeze-drying technology

This study, using Linkam’s Freeze Drying system FDCS196, shows how the freeze-drying process can be used to preserve meat, discussing the effect of system pressure on the freeze drying efficiency.

Access the PDF version here.

Full Open Access article available via CC BY NC 4.0.

Prickett, Richelle C., et al. "Effect of supercooling and cell volume on intracellular ice formation." Cryobiology 70.2 (2015): 156-163.

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Effect of supercooling and cell volume on intracellular ice formation

Studying the effect of supercooling and cell volume on intracellular ice formation (IIF), using Linkam’s Freeze Drying system FDCS196.

Access the PDF version here.

Full article available per CC BY 4.0.

Prickett, Richelle C., et al. "Effect of supercooling and cell volume on intracellular ice formation." Cryobiology 70.2 (2015): 156-163.


Small Molecule Ice Recrystallization Inhibitors Enable Freezing of Human Red Blood Cells with Reduced Glycerol Concentrations

Researchers use Linkam’s Freeze Drying system FDCS196 to cryopreserve red blood cells with slow cooling rates prior to storage at -80°C.

Access the PDF version here.

Full article available per CC BY 4.0.

Capicciotti, C.J. et al. Small Molecule Ice Recrystallization Inhibitors Enable Freezing of Human Red Blood Cells with Reduced Glycerol Concentrations. Sci. Rep. 5, 9692; DOI:10.1038/srep09692 (2015).

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Operando micro-spectroscopy on ZSM-5 containing extrudates during the oligomerization of 1-hexene

This article studies the impact of the binder material in industrial catalysts. Using the Linkam TS1500V to perform catalytic reactions at 250 and 300°C, the authors used operando spectrocopy and in situ confocal fluoroscence microscopy to show how different binder materials affect the final material composition.